Paper base oil

Patent name: A base oil for paper

Patent application number: 200310112413. 0 Publication number: CN1544754

Application Date: 2003211227 Public Day: 2004211210

Applicant: Huizhou Huayang Chemical Co., Ltd.

A base oil for paper, the raw material components and the mass fraction of the components are 15% to 20% of acrylic resin solution, 25% to 30% of acrylic emulsion, 10% to 20% of deionized water and 30% to 35% of acrylic hydrosol % or strong water-based adhesive, defoamer 013% ~ 018%, thickener 015% ~ 3%, leveling agent 011% ~ 115% water additives, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol and other solvents 3% ~5%. The UV base oil prepared by the invention has the advantages of low toxicity and odor, small environmental pollution, strong adhesion, easy storage and good use stability, and particularly achieves the purpose of the invention, and effectively solves the problem of folding and folding of dark-colored or gold-silver wrapping paper. The ability to resist the sharp objects hanging, with the standard tape paper to detect adhesion tear, to achieve not fall off, gold and silver packaging paper with a sharp object hanging stroke not the whole piece off effect.

Information Source: Paper Chemicals

A Motorcycle Umbrella, including two respectively before and after fixed on the motorcycle Q shaped Umbrella, the umbrella frame has the bottom rod and extending from the bottom bar to the two curved rod, with a gap between the two curved rod, a foldable cloth covered on the umbrella shape before and after Q, in the cloth is fixed on the steel wire spacing, both ends of the steel wire are respectively inserted in the positioning gap between the two curved rod before and after Q shaped umbrella stand in the top of the Q before and after the umbrella shaped steel hanging clamp respectively by means of a windshield transparent film. The utility model of the motorcycle rider motorcycle windshield rain, that rain, at the top of the front and rear frame respectively with Q shaped steel clip for hanging a windshield transparent film, adjustable height, lower end of the umbrella frame is two auxiliary side wheel, when the tilt before touchdown, the facilities that when the car driving can be assured and comfortable.

Motorcycle Umbrella

Motorcycle Umbrella

Motorcycle Umbrella,Electric Motorcycle Umbrella,Automatic Motorcycle Umbrella,Patio Motorcycle Umbrella,Motor Umbrella

Ningbo Vesta Leisure Products Co., Ltd. ,